Working with virtual studio technology (VST) plugins is tremendously convenient, but a lot of the best VST plugins out there are very expensive. If you're looking to expand your library of VST instrument (VSTi) plugins, or tweak your mixes with some great effects or MIDI effects VST plugins, you can do it for free. Normally, to run a VST plugin you'd need a sampler (sample player) and, in some cases, a DAW to connect it to. However, these days, many VST plugins can work as standalone and don't require any additional software. VST stands for “Virtual Studio Technology,” a technology for virtual instruments and plugins that Steinberg developed in 1996. It is an open-source technology that powers many of the plugins and instruments developed by major companies such as Arturia, Waves, and T-Racks. It's the age old question that has had producers and engineers debating for decades. What is the real difference between analog gear and digital plugins? MYTH: VST3 plug-ins are more efficient. VST is an interface specification of how a plug-in communicates with a host, so the plug-in efficiency depends on the plug-in, not on the VST spec. Both VST 2.4 and VST3 plug-ins have a common code base, and virtually all of a plug-in’s internal code is identical — move along, there’s nothing to see.

  1. Au Vs Vst Plugins
  2. Aax Plugins Vs Vst

19 Jan, 2015

I noticed that windows version of Audacity can load LADSPA plugins so I thought what If I could also use these as VST plugins.

This post will discuss how to use the LADSPA plugins, to another VST host as VST plugins, on a Windows platform. To summarize this post: It can be done using a VST plugin called ladspashell which loads these LADSPA plugins and makes them available to be used as VST plugins. I will be discussing from the perspective of Reaper but technically you can use any other VST host like FL Studio. Scroll down and skip the text to get right to the links.

LADSPA plugins are Linux audio plugins that are usually found in Linux audio environment but a set of plugins that are compiled for Windows are also supplied for Audacity to be used on Windows platform. But even if you don't use Audacity, you can still use these LADSPA plugins on your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) if it supports VST plugins.

Why use LADSPA as VST?

There are so many free VST plugins out there and Reaper itself comes with a lots of JS plugins. So you might wonder why you would like to use LADSPA plugins as VST. Well, your reason for using it might vary. If you use Audacity as your sound editor on windows and have the LADSPA plugins pack (which contains more than 90 plugins) and for some reason you want to use the same LADSPA plugin in your DAW that supports VST, then you can use these. So you can change effects parameters whenever you want and render only when you are done, as in Audacity you can preview little segments of sound and then you have to render it immediately. So, if you decide to use LADSPA as VST plugins, then you get the added benefit of parameter automation using curves, something that you can't do with Audacity at the moment.


In order to use LADSPA plugins, that are compiled for Windows platform, on a VST host, you need a VST plugin called ladspashell (100KB). ladspashell is part of 'Polac VST Loaders for Jeskola Buzz' ( and you can browse for this here: But you will just need ladspashell for the purpose we are talking here.

After installing ladspashell to your default VST plugin folder by unpacking the ladspashell.dll file there and then loading the plugin for the first time, you will be asked for the location of the path of directory where those LADSPA plugins are installed. After choosing the right path, the LADSPA plugins will be available to your host. How it be available will depend on the host.

LADSPA plugins on Reaper-

Workaround for GVerb on Reaper

Many of these LADSPA plugins are Mono channel effect processors and the host automatically assigns two instances of these plugins for stereo channels. Some plugins like GVerb which has 1 input and 2 output, you need to do extra work to get proper stereo 2 in 2 out type sound.

Lets see how it's done. One quick way would be to just load two instances of the same plugin and use the plugin pin connection to assign left and right channels. You can use presets to share the same settings between these instances.

Pin connection for getting proper stereo channel processing for GVerb-

GVerb LADSPA plugin on Audacity-

GVerb LADSPA plugin on Reaper. As you can see '1 in 2 out', so use proper channel routing.


  • LADSPA plugin loader - A forum post at PSYCLE.
  • Discussions that contains LADSPA wrapper at KVR Audio.
  • Polac VST Loaders for Jeskola Buzz. ladspashell originated from this place. ,

(Last edited: 18 June, 2015, mostly for readability.)

So you got yourself a DAW, and you have some gear like a pair of studio headphones or speakers, and a laptop and you’re ready to either record your own music or produce your first beat. Great!

But then you open up your DAW and you notice that to get practically anything done, you need to utilize some plug-in software.

You come across the term “VST” and you’re not entirely sure what these things are, what they do, and why you need them.

Free guitar fuzz vst. So inn this post we’ll talk about what VST plugins are, which will help to give you some light as to how they work and why you actually need them.

Other helpful posts:

What Are VST Plugins?

VST stands for Virtual Studio Technology. It was created by the people at Steinberg to emulate what used to be hardware equipment used in a studio.

Back in the day, if you needed to place an effect on a track, such as reverb, or compression, you would actually have to buy a physical unit, and like hardware reverb, install it on your studio rack, and plug it in your studio console, which is your mixing desk, or workstation.

As everything became more digitized, and from then, moving toward computer-based music production, the trend led away from clunky hardware that filled a studio, to emulating and simulating the same effects and instruments used to create music using software tools instead.

Nowadays, VST plug-ins are good enough to even replicate analog effects and instruments. Being software, they are cheaper and more versatile. What would once require tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment sitting in several square feet worth of space, you can carry around with you on your laptop wherever you go.

Read: Best Plugins for Music Production

Different Types of VST Plugins

There are many different types of VST plugins on the market. But we’ll just cover four of the most common types:

  • VSTi
  • Effects
  • Metering
  • MIDI

What Are VSTi Plugins?

A VSTi is exactly the same as a VST, except that instead of emulating effects plugins like reverbs and echoes, they emulate actual instruments. You don’t need to buy an instrument, then, if you plan on creating music on your DAW, you simply need to get yourself a VSTi of that instrument, install it on your computer, and record your music with it.

These are generally synthesizers, samplers, and drum machines. There are VSTis for literally any instrument you can think of. From your standard piano, to exotic percussion instruments, all you need to do is do a google search for your desired instrument + VSTi and you’ll find it.

There are some that exist that are free, and some premium ones that are as good as the real thing (examples are Keyscape by Spectrasonics).

Here are some standard VSTi plugins types that you should have if you plan on making music in your DAW (other than record it into your DAW from a mic or lead):

  • At least one synthesizer – these instruments generate sounds electrically.
  • A sampler – these take pre-recorded sound samples which you can play back by triggering them with the MIDI notes you write in (with your mouse) or play in (with you MIDI controller) in your DAW.
  • A drum machine – as the name suggests, this creates beats and grooves for your music.

What are Effects Plugins?

These are just about as popular as the VSTi plugins that we discussed above. Maybe even more. Mixing engineers are familiar with these plugins, but so should anyone making music on a DAW.

As the name suggests, these are responsible for creating effects by manipulating the sounds generated or inputted into your digital audio workstation. Some examples of these “effects” are reverb, echoes (or “delays”), EQing, limiting and compression.

There are virtually limitless varieties of effects that can be created, and therefore a limitless variety of plugins in existence. From your run of the mill compressors to harmonic exciters. But the ones you should be most concerned with having are the essentials.

Essential Effects Plugins

  • Reverb – adds “space” to your sounds by emulating the sound of various types and sizes of rooms and recording environments
  • Delay – literally creates delayed signals of your sound over time to give an echo effect
  • EQ – used to control the frequencies on a track or mix, such as bass, treble, and midrange
  • Limiter and Compressor – often used to change the perceived loudness of audio

What are Metering Plugins?

Metering plugins are used mostly by mastering and mixing engineers. Their purpose is to, as the name suggests, monitor the audio signal either coming into your DAW or being produced by the audio within it.

There are several types of audio signals to monitor. The spectrum analyzer, perceived loudness meter, the phase correction, and VU meter are just a few to name. Once you begin working on your music, you’ll come across the need to see what sort of levels your music is producing. As you become more advanced, you will know what sort of levels to look out for, and therefor find the plugins that will show you that information.

What are MIDI Plugins?

Lastly, there are the MIDI plugins. These plugins can be very useful for composers and arrangers. They often provide shortcuts for writing, creating, and manipulating notes in your DAW, tasks which, depending upon how many notes you’re dealing with, can otherwise become tedious with time.

Au Vs Vst Plugins

For example, a chorder” plugin will play chords for you when you play or write a single note into you DAW. Useful if you’re stuck trying to figure out or coming up with chord progressions.

The arpeggiator takes chords and plays each note sequentially or in a pattern for interesting musical effects at various speeds.

The note repeater is similar in concept to the arpeggiator by creating patterns from notes. You even have MIDI plugins that assist you in making new melodies on the fly from entering a few notes.

You even have MIDI plugins that assist you in making new melodies on the fly from entering a few notes.

Where Do I Get VST Plugins?

Chances are that the essentials that we’ve mentioned already exists within your DAW.

Aax Plugins Vs Vst

Modern digital audio workstations come with all the basics, plus more. So it’s suggested to stick with getting familiar with the ones in your DAW, learning your way around them, how they are used, when they are appropriate to be used, and so on.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of these, which will oftentimes be basic, you can find other professional plugins to buy or download some fun ones for free online.

There are countless amounts of plugins out there, as well as plugin resources, so it is easy to get lost when trying to find the one that’s right for what you want.

Final Thoughts

VST plugins are an essential part of music production. There would literally be no music produced if it weren’t for software plugins. As a digital audio workstation is simply a virtual desk where you can organize, arrange, and create your music, you can think of it as essentially your blank slate.

Whatever it is you want to do with it, whether it is editing a sound, or creating some effects, would require software to produce that for you.